Saturday 26 March 2011

Podcast used as a learning tool

Using podcast in the classroom as a digital tool to enhance learning on the subject area a teacher is covering has a lot of benefits. As another tool of communication, Podcast can either be an interactive medium of learning depending on what extent the learner has to do with the podcast - from with er creating one a a part of their unit or using it as a resource to familiearise themselves on the subject matter (listening and or watching lessons).
Podcasting has its Strengths - in engaging a range of learners through using other senses such as auditory and in some cases the podcast is supported with visual content to assist with auditory sound.
In my KLAs - Visual Arts & Film, Television and New Media this tool will be a great meduilm for students to explore, learn and develop a unit of work. For example they can put together news articles or generated ideas that incorporate a range of audio content to support their ideas or article. Putting/recording their ideas as a news commentary than researching for podcasts from people related to that subject combine that and string it all together using a software program can be a very powerful tool.  It is also very mobile and accessable outsdie of the classroom
The Weaknesses of having all audio (and maybe visual) is the loss of written content, which is usually a validated reference of information gathering and evidence tracking. Technologies failing or not explored correctly can fail the project and unless always "backed up."  School policies and procedures may not support it.
The opportunities it presents is that it is assessible beyond the classroom, recordings could increase in the classroom for lessons. It could be used as a project for the students to record data and information, by gathering all the information and evaluating it supported with audio recordings - mix it up with multi-media and than presenting it as their knowledge and understang of what has been taught. Using it as another medium to support their understanding and learning and introducing them to a range of learning resources beyond the classroom.  This is also a great tool for distance learners to make their learning experience more meaningful, engaging and connecting. It becomes very flexible.
There are however threats to this mode of teaching as podcasts itself is published on the internet and if content is not explored first and taken into account any consequences of published files it could open the publisher up for scrutiny.  Therefore careful consideration must be taken over the content being published - whether it's personal experiences, facts or so forth, the content will need to be analysed, cosidering in which context it's being published in.


This link below can be used as an example of teaching my students how to use photoshop to create certain effects. They could use this as a link to access at home for practice as well.

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